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By clicking "Place your order", you agree to the policies listed below.
Policies for Sterling Heights HS Athletics
COVID-19 Social Contract
I acknowledge that I am aware of certain risks of participating in public events due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and that I am choosing to enter the venue my tickets are purchased for. I understand that by leaving my home, I am exposing myself to a greater risk of becoming infected with coronavirus, or of infecting other people. In order to do my part to not spread this virus, I agree to not enter the venue and to return home if (a) I have a temperature of 100.4 degrees or above, (b) the venue's medically trained professional determines that I may not safely enter the venue, or (c) there is reason to believe I carry the coronavirus despite the current absence of symptoms. If I enter the venue, I agree to strictly follow all health and safety rules the venue has posted, which are designed to protect patrons, workers, and performers.

I agree that I have not been exposed to a person with a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 within the past fourteen (14) days. That I do not have a fever (100.4 or higher), cough (out of the norm), shortness of breath, or chills. That I do not have two or more of the following symptoms: Repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, diarrhea (excluding diarrhea due to a known medical reason), or extreme fatigue. Lastly that I have not traveled internationally (except for commuting to and from Canada) within the past fourteen (14) days.
Refund and Exchange Policy
There are no refunds on tickets - all sales are final.

No ticket exchanges done on day of show (for that day's show). Other exchanges can be made by contacting the box office.
General Policies
Must scan an fill out QR code once arriving to the school site for the game, students/children must be accompanied by and adult. Only two tickets allowed per athlete for each game.